Shut yourself in with God

“I long for you, O God.” Ps 42:1 NLT

Are you having difficulty understanding God’s ways? We all struggle with that. Even though we can look back and see how His hand of blessing and guidance has been upon us, at times we still feel afraid and alone. Jesus Himself cried, “My God…why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46). Those words could be interpreted, “I may not understand what’s happening right now, but I know you’re still my God.” What assurance!

Have you ever watched a child reach for a parent’s hand and say, “Slow down; you’re walking too fast”? The child is afraid of getting lost or left behind. Is that how you feel today? Like you can’t keep up? That life is moving way too fast? The Bible says, “As the deer longs for streams of water…I long for you, O God” (Ps 42:1 NLT).

You don’t “long” for something unless you value it and need it. Only raw need will cause you to turn away from every other visible means of support and pursue God, because you know that without Him, you won’t make it. The truth is, if you didn’t need Him so desperately, you could easily become satisfied with lesser things.

Three things happen when you pursue God with all your heart.

  • (1) You enter the realm where “all things are possible” (Mk 10:27).
  • (2) You grow more Christlike, because you become like the company you keep (See 2Co 3:18).
  • (3) You learn that certain levels of blessing are only reached when you diligently seek God (See Heb 11:6).

Are you weary of human answers? Do you need more than just good advice? Shut yourself in with God today and let Him speak to you.

Be on your guard

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith.” 1Co 16:13 NIV

Sometimes you experience more problems after you become a Christian than you did before. “Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering” (Heb 10:32 NLT).

Consider the life of Christ. “After his baptism…the heavens…opened…And a voice…said, ‘This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy’” (Mt 3:16-17 NLT). Then we read: “Jesus was led…into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil” (Mt 4:1 NLT).

First the call, then the conflict. And that’s still how it works! When Paul was called into ministry, he was given “a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted” (2Co 12:7).

So when you say yes to God, prepare for attack. Satan attacks what he fears, and he fears God’s plan for your life. When a player starts scoring, the other team targets him because they know he is capable of winning. Getting the idea? Before Jesus launched His ministry, Satan offered Him the kingdoms of the world, and he will make you the same offer. So, the only safe place to be is in the center of God’s will.

When Noah was building the ark, he could withstand a hundred years of scorn, but when the job was done, he ended up drunk and disgraced. Paul writes, “These things…were written down to warn us…If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall” (1Co 10:11, 12 NLT).

So, the word for you today is—be on your guard!

Great example of Faith

Those who went before us have earned a good reputation because of the faith they had in God. They kept on holding on to what the Lord has said, not because He had done it for them, but His Word. So the only way for us to defend our faith is through the Word of […]

Great example of Faith

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