Let God lead you

“He leads me in the paths of righteousness.” Ps 23:3 NKJV

Life is full of choices, decisions, and options. It’s also full of people with substantial opinions who will attempt to advise you which way they assume you ought to go. If we could turn back the hands of time, practically all of us would transform some of our past tendencies because they have compelled us to find ourselves on the path of “wrongness” rather than “righteousness.”

Sheep will gravitate toward whatever allures their instincts, such as a berry bush, even though it will take them away from the flock and the shepherd’s protective care. They suppose they know the right path when they are clueless.

He leads us in the paths of his righteousness, and not our righteousness. Many times people boast of their righteousness, their thinking, and ideals, but still, they fall short of God’s goodness because of our sinful nature inherited from Adam. Human philosophies and doctrines only lead to pride and self-condemnation. Do not touch, do not say they proclaim but their heart is far from God.

Question: Have you been following your cravings and instincts rather than your shepherd? You say, “But God has given me a brain to use.” Sure, and you need to develop it. But it’s limited, and it will only take you so far. Have you taken time to analyse how you make decisions, and what facts determine most of your life decisions.

It always is an error when servants of God, make decisions without consulting with God. When we zoom in on Moses’s leadership he always consulted God first before giving instructions to the Israelites. Prophet Samuel too valued his connection with God more than people’s admiration. Many times people have lost their way just because they felt the appetite to impress other people. Funny how people are going astray just to get likes (recognition) on social media platforms

Being a disciple of Christ means steering empty of self. Most times our cup is crammed to the bream by our responsibilities, worries, ambitions, and agendas that we forget our ultimate purpose here on earth which is to be of service to God. Our soul agenda is to serve Christ, our livelihood must communicate the love of God. As long as our mindset is diluted by worldly appetites we can’t fulfill our ultimate purpose!

A shepherd takes care of the sheep for his benefit. Nothing is done for fun in this world, what you deem fun is profiting the intellect behind that invention Most people sin whenever people flattered them with their enticing words. Why would you hunger for human validation when the creator of the universe already got your back?

As sheep being led to greener pastures by God, we need to trust more in his understanding than in our impulses. Human wisdom is based on trial and error, but heavenly wisdom is established on infinite intelligence. He understands what we don’t know and since we are his sheep his only motive is to defend us from his enemy. It only makes sense to fully submit to his direction.

It is not too late to leave our inherited paths, man-made cultures, and doctrines. The time is now to be fully liberated and live a life of true freedom. The Bible clearly states that He will lead us to green pastures, that is to say, pastures we never knew existed but only He knew of.

Human wisdom bases its wisdom on history, trial, and error, and mostly every activity we take is summed up on our selfish motives. We show love to gain recognition, some give offerings to be promoted to positions of authority in churches. Lately, some are giving tithes to be recognized by Pastors. Yes, they get promoted but the Bible says in whatever good deed you do, it must be done for God and not for recognition by fellow humans who will soon die.

The Holy Spirit desires to take you beyond those limits. “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). When we fully submit to the Holy Spirit every limitation imposed on us by wrong convictions and preferences will be cleared and we start fulfilling our full potential here on earth in our short time we have been given by God.

It’s sad that some left churches the moment they were not promoted to positions of power. Has this generation lost its purpose to a level where everyone is driven by greed and a hunger for power. Isn’t this the mindset of Lucifer to hunger for admiration and power instead of being a good ambassador of God .

This generation really need a mindset change , we need to grow from being self centred to being God centred.

How does God lead us?

Objectively He leads us through His Word, and subjectively through His Spirit. As you read His Word, you hear His voice, and as you “lie down” (Ps 23:2).He communicates through his prophets ,the Bible, through visions and dreams. He is a God who values relationships thus he is always communicating with his own.

He impresses upon your heart what He wants you to do. He gave Abraham an instruction to get victory and promotion and he changed his name from Abram to Abraham. He is always communicating but are we being obedient to his voice?

He communicates through visions , Prophet Isaiah was shown visions and in the visions he was instructed on what he was to tell the Israelites and how he would say it. He communicated to Moses via a burning bush . Yes he is still communicating today .

If you have gotten onto the wrong path, turn to God and He will guide you back onto the right path. He is waiting for you to repent from self sustenance to God’s provision.He is calling on you today to make the ultimate decision to yield to his voice.

You say, “Would God actually speak to someone like me?” Yes, “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out…he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice” (Jn 10:3-4 NKJV).

Today, let God lead you!

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Dan. 2:22: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

EPH. 1:17: That the God our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

PS. 25:14: The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

Deut. 29:29: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.


1. Thank God for the revelation power of the Holy Spirit.

2. O God, to whom no secret is hidden, make known unto me whether . . . (mention the name of the thing)

3. O Lord, remove from me any persistent buried grudges, enmity against anyone and every other thing that can block my spiritual vision.

4. Let every idol present, consciously or unconsciously, in my heart concerning this issue be melted away by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

5. O Lord, give unto me the spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of you.

6. O Lord, remove spiritual cataract from my eyes.

7. O Lord, forgive me for every false motive or thought that has ever been formed in my heart since the day I was born.

8. O Lord, forgive me for any lie that I have ever told against any person, system or organization.

9. O Lord, open up my spiritual understanding.

10. O Lord, teach me deep and secret things.

11. O Lord, reveal to me every secret behind this particular issue, whether beneficial or not.

12. I refuse to fall under the manipulation of the spirit of confusion, in the name of Jesus.

13. O Lord, teach me to know that which is worth knowing and love that which is worth loving, and to dislike whatsoever is not pleasing unto you.

14. I refuse to make foundational mistakes in my decision-making, in the name of Jesus.

15. Father Lord, guide and direct me in knowing your mind on this particular issue.

16. I stand against all satanic attachments that may seek to confuse my decision, in the name of Jesus.

17. If. . . (mention the name of thing) is not for me, O Lord, re-direct my steps.

18. I bind the activities of . . . (pick from the list below) in my life, in the name of Jesus. – lust – ungodly infatuation – ungodly family pressure – demonic manipulation in dreams and visions – attachment to the wrong choice – confusing revelations – spiritual blindness and deafness – unprofitable advice – ungodly impatience

19. Lord, make your way plain before my face.

20. O God, you may reveals secret things, make know unto me your choice for me on this issue.

21. Holy Spirit, open my eyes and help me to make the right decision, in the name of Jesus,

22. Father Lord, I thank you for the testimonies that will follow these prayer points.

Persecuted for righteousness sake

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.”John 16:33 NET This was a stern warning and an assurance at the same time.In this world you will be persecuted , troubled and your […]

Persecuted for righteousness sake

Different Approach

Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!
Romans 12:14‭-‬16 NLT

Blessing people that persecute us , sounds strange is it , normally the first approach is to fire back ,or fight back but in this context Jesus is suggesting blessing people who persecute us …

Persecution draws us closer to God in prayer ,it is in persecution that you see your true friends ,when you are under oppression fake friends disappear ,if your love relationship was based on money once you go bankrupt lovers disappear they jump to the next guy with cash ..

As much as being persecuted is not something to wish for ,it brings clarity to your life ,when foundations of every relationship we have in life is being tested for endurance ,Submit totally to God .the Bible is suggesting that we mustn’t curse our persecutors infact we should pray that God will bless them…

In every situation giving thanks to God for he is the author and finisher of our life ,.Our life should be totally dependent on God , human persecution then appears as a promotion once our perception of life is from God’s point of view..

Joseph was persecuted by his brothers in Genesis ,his brothers in persecuting Joseph they were channelling him to Governorship..Your enemies are in fact positioning you to your destiny…

We don’t have time to curse ,we bless them..in humility knowing that Our God has everything under control . the last line in the verse I pasted there says “And don’t think you know it all ” I think that’s where most of us struggle ,everyone wants to be heard no one wants to submit that they don’t know …but Jesus gives us a solution here as a Christian don’t think you know it all , listening attentively is a character trait of a Christian ,and our language to be seasoned with grace ..

I am highly favoured ,Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross ,I am not worthy that sacrifice ,my life has been turned around ever since I gave my life to Christ.

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