You will rise again


I know you’re so bothered about your sudden downfall, in business, career and ministry. Your marriage might not be working right now. You could be considering quitting or cheating on your spouse because suddenly nothing is moving the way you anticipated Jesus Christ

But you will rise again

What you have to understand is that the downfall of a man is not his end. Pruning is a necessity for growth and when God disciplines his children it is to open their eyes to their full potential without depending on external factors to boost their identity.

And how you started a journey doesn’t matter much, but how it will end that matters as long as you still have life, there is still hope for you to rise again. We all have made mistakes in our lives, some minor and some life-changing. You could be paying for a sexual sin you committed a long time ago because you contracted an STD or maybe you now have a fatherless baby. But it’s not over

Jesus told the lame man rise take up thy bed and walk(John 5:1-11)

Some of your sickness has brought you down entirely. You could be in chains right now from a chronic disease listen it’s not over yet. Jesus Christ promised healing to us wherever you are right now I know God is healing you right now from whatever sickness that had been paralysing you.

But you will rise again

Some of your family problems have brought you down entirely. Yes as much as everyone had deserted you, God is our strength. We stand up tall and confront any challenging situation that might come our way, with that confidence. Every inherited problem is cancelled in the name of JESUS Christ.

But you will rise again

Some of you the death of your loved ones, have brought you down entirely. but we know God promised them a better place in him. We loved them, but we can’t see them anymore but our confidence in Christ communicates peace and freedom for them. They that live in Christ live forever!

But You will rise again

If the dry bone were able to rise again (Ezekiel 37)

You will rise again

Tell your mockers that its not over yet

Tell your enemies that its not over yet

Tell them

Because you’re about to rise above sickness, poverty, limitations and sorrow

Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee(Isaiah 60:1)

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